Tassa scolastica

The balance fee amount is based on the chosen course and the student’s country of income. See the fees and funding page for details.

Tassa di iscrizione 30 € una tantum
Deposito 156 € una tantum
Maggiori informazioni




The Master’s Degree in Marketing and Global Markets is a two-year MSc program organized in two distinct tracks:

Marketing Globale, in Italian, provides students with knowledge and capabilities in the field of marketing (consumer/retail marketing, trade marketing and business-to-business marketing), accounting, EU law and communication law. Students also attend advanced courses in statistics for marketing and industrial economics. Students of this track can receive a double degree with Universidad de Belgrano (Licenciatura en Comercializaciòn) in Argentina;
Global Management, in English, provides students with knowledge and skills in strategic management, international business and marketing, entrepreneurship, innovation management, global accounting and corporate finance. Students also attend advanced courses in econometrics, business analytics, data-driven decision making and industrial organization.
Students of this track can spend the second year at the Antwerp Management School (AMS) in Belgium to receive a Double Degree with the MSc di Global Management of the AMS.

At the end of this program, students will acquire the knowledge and skills needed to undertake a career in various firm activities such as market analysis, competitive strategy, marketing, sales and corporate communication, logistics and innovation management. Admission to this program is conditional on a solid background in management, economics and quantitative methods.

Moreover, admission is conditional on the possession of a B2 level English language certificate.

Struttura del programma

[url] elearning.unimib.it/pluginfile.php/1691950/mod_resource/content/1/Regolamento%20didattico%20ECOMARKS%2023-24.pdf [/url]

Candidati ora! Semestre autunnale 2025/26
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
15 ott 2025
Candidati ora! Semestre autunnale 2025/26
Scadenza per le candidature
2 mag 2025, 12:00:00
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 ott 2025
Candidati ora! Semestre autunnale 2025/26
Periodo di candidatura concluso
Inizio degli studi
15 ott 2025
Candidati ora! Semestre autunnale 2025/26
Scadenza per le candidature
2 mag 2025, 12:00:00
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 ott 2025
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